
Hyunchul Oh

Associate Professor


Department of Chemistry (Bldg. 103, 404),

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST),

50 UNIST-gil, Eonyang-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan 44919

Republic of Korea



Phone: +82-52-217-2692

Email: hcoh@unist.ac.kr

Office:  Bldg. 103, Room #404

I.  Education & Professional Experience

(2014) Dr. rer. nat. in Advanced Materials at Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart, Germany (Supervisor: Dr. Michael Hirscher)

2022–present  Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Ulsan National Institue of Science and Technology (UNIST)

2022–present  Adjunct Associate Professor, Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality, Ulsan National Institue of Science and Technology (UNIST)

2024–present  Committee on Energy Research and Technology (CERT), REWP, Hydrogen Technology Collaboration Programme (Hydrogen TCP), International Energy Agency(IEA)

2025–present  Expert for S. Korea, HIA Task 51 “Hydrogen Materials for Energy Storage“, Hydrogen TCP, International Energy Agency(IEA)

2023–present  Board Member of Trustees, The Korean Hydrogen and New Energy Society

2024–present  Steering Committee Member of Inorganic Chemistry Division (Korean Chemical Society, KCS)

2024–2024  Expert, Task 40 “Energy Storage and Conversion Based on Hydrogen“, Hydrogen TCP, International Energy Agency(IEA)

2022–2024  Associate Editor, Heliyon (Cell Press) - Chemistry division

2021–2021  Division(Chilam) Director, Industry-Academic Cooperation Foundation at GNU

2015–2022  Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Energy Engineering, Gyeongsang National University (GNU) – merged with GNTECH

2014–2015   Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning(KISTEP), Associate Research Fellow

2014–2014   Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Post-doc. Research Fellow

2011–2014   Technical group Leader(Renewable Energy) at The Korean Scientists & Engineers Association in the FRG, Germany

2011–2012   Conference key organizer of ‘EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology’ (EKC2012), Berlin, Germany (ca. 700 Participants)


II.  Scholarship, Fellowship & Awards

05/2022 Best oral presentation award in  2022 KMRS’s spring meeting, Samcheok, Republic of Korea

12/2021 Honored with Commendation from Minister of Science and ICT

11/2021 Selected as one of the “2021 National R&D Excellence Top 100.”

11/2020 Best oral presentation award in  2020 KMRS’s fall meeting, Jeju, Republic of Korea

11/2019  Best poster presentation award(1st place) in  AOCNS2019, Kenting, Taiwan

11/2017  Best oral presentation award in  2017 KSIEC’s spring meeting, Gwangju, Republic of Korea

12/2016  Best poster award at H2FC Researcher Conference held at Belfast, UK (cash prize of £100)

06/2014  European Cooperation in Science and Technology Trainee Grant for Training Schools (COST-MP1103- 170714-042321)

05/2014  Max Planck Postdoctoral fellowship, Germany

10/2013  Best oral presentation award in 2013 VeKNI’s 40th Anniversary Conference, Essen, Germany (cash prize of $ 1,000)

08/2012  Scholarship from Ilun Science & Technology Foundation, Republic of Korea

06/2013  European Cooperation in Science and Technology grant for Short Term Scientific Mission (COST-STSM-MP1103-13149)

11/2010  Max Planck Doctoral fellowship, Germany

11/2010  Best oral presentation award in 2010 VeKNI’s fall meeting, Essen, Germany

08/2010  Korean Government Scholarship for Overseas Study, Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning(KETEP), Republic of Korea.

09/2008  Korean Provincial Government Scholarship for Overseas Study, Chungcheongnam-do, Republic of Korea